With a view to getting rid of monotonous classroom learning, students need to carry on different types of curricular and co-curricular activities inside and outside the campus. It’s a great way to meet people with similar interests, learn more about an activity and to gain leadership experience to execute during varsity life or rest of life. There are a good number of reasons to go on with a club. Keeping these reasons in mind, the under graduate students of all programs of BGC Trust University Bangladesh formed a good number of clubs in each and every Department:
Faculty of Business Administration
- Business Student’s Society (BSS)
- BSS Publication Club (BSSPC)
- BSS Computer Club (BSSCC)
- BSS Social Responsibility Club (BSSSPC)
- BSS Debate and language Club ((BSSDLC)
- BSS Sports Club(BSSSC)
- BSS Cultural Club(BSSCC)
- BSS Film and Photography Club (BSSFPC)
Department of English
- Circle of English Language and Literature (CELL)
- Press and Publications Club
- Cultural and Drama Club
- Sports Club
- Debating Club
- Reading and creative writing Club.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Circle of English Language and Literature (CELL)
- BGCTUB Coding Club
- BGCTUB Robotics and Electronics Club
- BGCTUB Cultural Club
Department of Law
- Centrum for Community Awareness (CCA)
- Concilium for Skill Development(CSD)
- Legum Sports Forum (LSF)
- BGCTUB Mooting Club (BGCTUBMC)
- Law Cultural Club (LCC)
Department of Pharmacy
- BGCTUB Bangladesh Pharmacy Students’ Association
All the noted clubs are the most vibrant clubs of BGC Trust University Bangladesh. These clubs are run by the under graduate students of of all the programs.
These clubs organizes curricular and co-curricular activities in the form of social, cultural, sports, publications, cultural and sports events (indoor and outdoor) regularly.