Mission Vision
BGC Trust University Bangladesh aspires to be a premier learner-focused comprehensive academic institution of national and global repute with an impact on society through continual innovation in education, research, creativity and entrepreneurship.
To achieve this vision, BGCTUB is working to
1.Help students to develop an understanding and appreciation for the complex cultural, physical and virtual world in which they live and to realize their potentials for intellectual, physical and human development and effective engagement with local, national and global communities with the spirit of patriotism and ethics.
2.Accelerate its progress as an international leader in Science & Engineering, Law, Humanities &Social Sciences, and Business by empowering the students to fulfill their academic and professional passions in a University that is diverse, welcoming, and inclusive for all students, faculty, and staff.
3.Create innovative connections among Science & Engineering, Law & Social Sciences, and Business to generate new knowledge through a broad array of scholarly, research and creative endeavors, which provide a foundation for dealing with the immediate and long-range needs of society.
4.Achieve leadership in each discipline, strengthen interdisciplinary studies, and pioneer new fields of learning by strengthening support for a dynamic faculty dedicated to teaching, mentoring and research.
5.Serve society, community of alumni and all other stakeholders through coordinated outreach programs that enrich their lifelong relationship with the University and meet continuing educational needs that will extend its collective contributions to the world.
6.Strengthen cultural understanding through opportunities to study languages, cultures and arts and the implications of social, political, economic and technological changes through encouragement of study, research and service to mankind.
7.Produce technically and intellectually competent, socially responsible, best quality graduates with effective communication skills, highest ethical standards and human values, and orientating them to the ideals of a pluralistic, multi-cultural, open and democratic society.